The Book of Micah: “Metaphors that Awaken”
Readings: Micah 1:2-9; 3:1-7, 9-12 and Mark 5:1-20
Reflection Questions
- The prophet Micah is a master of language utilizing a full range of metaphor, lament, prophetic oracle, simile etc., to help the people of God connect with the reality of their human condition and sin-maladies. Read Micah 1- 3 in different translations or in The Message. What does the prophet awaken in you? What do you hear? What resonates with you?
- The prophet expressed his grief over injustice, abusive treatment of the poor and the corruption in both the civic and religious arenas through lament (Micah 1:8-9). Lament says, “I’m pained” over something. A lamentation is not the same thing as despair, although it can include some despair. Rather, a lamentation, especially when heard from the biblical witness, is an active expectancy or even demand for advocacy. The Scripture records several different individuals and communities of God’s people, at different times, lamenting over social injustice and/or sin. What pains you? What human conditions or systemic corruptions stir-up a cry in you for God’s advocacy? Spend some moments lamenting before God: confess sin, pray for those oppressed by socially unjust conditions, and pray on behalf of those who need deliverance.
- Our Gospel reading in Mark 5:1-20 depicts a man who was enslaved to demons. Read the story imaginatively. Picture yourself as a bystander: watch the drama, listen to Jesus and to the cries of the desperate man. What are your thoughts? What do you see, hear, feel? Read it a second time. This time through observe who you most identify with. Is there something you feel impinges or prohibits your freedom? Are you tormented about anything or someone? What prevents your peaceful well-being or right-mindness? Talk to Jesus about these things. Receive whatever he might want to give.