To be conformed to the image of Christ in community 
for the sake of others and the glory of God.


Our primary purpose in all of life is to worship God, to enjoy and glorify him forever.

The energizing center of the church’s worship is the liturgy, where silence and song, scripture and sacrament, art and beauty are woven together in a united offering of praise and thanksgiving to God. We are gathered into the heavenly places with Christ, nourished by his Spirit, and sent into the world as his luminaries.

Our worship is holistic, liturgical, and intergenerational, seeking to engage all the senses (the whole person) and all generations (the whole people of God). Our worship is an invitation to rest from work, reflect on life, and redirect yourself to following Jesus. In an atmosphere of quiet, thoughtfulness, and beauty, we adopt a contemplative and receptive posture toward God, his kingdom and his people.


Jesus calls us to follow him and become like him. 

Our formation in Christ takes place over time. It is a lifelong journey from cradle to grave, where time (days, weeks, years) is ordered around God and sanctified by his redemptive presence. Through seasons of feasting and fasting, rhythms of prayer and praise, cycles of scripture and sacrament, our personal identity and daily life (family, work, relationships) are transformed and renewed by God. We become holistic and integrated persons (minds filled with the truth of Christ, imaginations captivated by the glory of Christ, characters formed by the virtues of Christ), whose unique stories, personalities, giftings, and vocations are woven into God’s kingdom purposes.

Our formation in Christ is communal and intergenerational. God is forming us not only as individuals, but as a holy temple and united family for himself. Through study, conversation, and spiritual direction, we seek to strengthen one another in the faith and encourage one another to a long obedience in the same direction. Through catechesis and mentorship, we seek to pass the faith on to the next generation, caring for families and incorporating children and youth into the life of worship and mission.


Jesus sends us into the world for the life of the world. 

Our mission is to cooperate with Jesus in his mission to seek, save, deliver, heal, and usher people into the life of the kingdom. Through hospitality and visitation, we seek to welcome in and draw near to those who need healing, belonging, and companionship. Through partnerships and generosity, we seek to advocate for the vulnerable and displaced in the world. Through evangelism, we seek to foster conversations of trust, honesty, and grace, wherein the deep realities of life and the gospel are explored in a safe environment. Through personal vocations, we seek to be a faithful presence for the common good in those communities and cultures in which God has placed us.