We invite youth and adults to a mature commitment to Christ and the Church, and, by the strengthening work of the Holy Spirit, to journey through the world in mission.


Confirmation is a sign and seal of deepened relationship to God, and a strengthened walk in the Christian life. In this way, it is connected to baptism. Whereas baptism symbolizes birth, confirmation symbolizes growth.

Confirmation is a ceremony in which the Bishop lays hands on each person and prays for the unique anointing and gifting of the Spirit in their lives. Much like ordination, where one is marked out for a particular pastoral calling, confirmation symbolizes the marking out of Jesus’ disciples for the vocation of missional living. A person is called and empowered to express Christian maturity and mission in the various spaces and communities where God has placed them.


Confirmation for youth is a process that prepares them to make a commitment to Christ, his community, and his mission in the world. All youth are invited to participate. It will consist of a combination of education, mentoring, and guidance from the Rector.


Adults interested in confirmation will need to take part in a Newcomer’s Dinner, meet with the Rector to express their interest in being confirmed in the Anglican Church, and engage with some classes and instruction. After this, they will be confirmed by the Bishop.

If you are interested in confirmation, for either yourself or your youth, please contact Pastor Todd Pickett via email