Reading: Genesis 14:18-24 and Luke 1:46-55
- Upon Abram’s return from battle he is met by two kings, one of which is Melchizedeck. Sit with Genesis 14:18-24 as you reflect on Abram and his character. What do you notice about the exchange and about Abram’s response to enrichment offered outside of God’s promise to him?
- Have you ever been offered a type of enrichment that seemed like a good thing at first blush but was not quite right? What happened? How did the deal turn out? How did you experience yourself or what did see in yourself during the episode? What did you discover about God during that experience?
- As you read Mary’s Magnificat (or prayer-song of praise to God) from Luke 1:46-55, realize an entire nation, in fact all of humanity has been enriched by one man’s loyalty to and faith in God and his promises to bless us. What words of encouragement do you find in Mary’s song that might help you endure temptations to doubt or reject God’s life giving love and enrichment for your life?