We are in a life-long, life-wide, and life-deep process of formation with Christ, in Christ, and to Christ.


These dinners are an opportunity to get better acquainted with the history, values, and shepherds of Holy Trinity Church. They provide a casual space to ask questions, connect, and discover what God is up to.


These classes for adults and youth are designed to be instructive and interactive, connecting us to one another over topics relevant to our cultural moment, the arts, the Anglican tradition, the rhythms and challenges of daily life, spiritual formation, and more. They meet for an hour on Sundays at 1:15 pm before the service, unless otherwise noted. Contact Pastor Todd Pickett for more information.


Each year,  a trained spiritual director from Holy Trinity Church guides a group on a nine-month journey through St. Ignatius’ Spiritual Exercises. To find out more about this and the schedule of future cohorts, please contact


The Anglican tradition has rich resources for personal growth in Christ. One of those resources is ‘To Be A Christian: An Anglican Catechism.’ Adults are encouraged to read through this catechism as a supplement to their daily devotion and weekly participation in the life of the church. We also encourage people to form a personal Rule of Life (set of formational practices) appropriate to their stage and season of life.


The book club meets at 11:30 am on the back patio at the Corner Bakery in South Coast Village (1621 W Sunflower Ave, Ste D50, Santa Ana, CA 92704).

Kristin Carmody for more info:


For other Formational gatherings like church retreats and monthly Sabbath mornings, please sign up for our Newsletter, which will keep you up to date with the opportunities to rest, reflect and renew.


Being Christian: Baptism, Bible, Eucharist, Prayer.
Rowan Williams. Eerdmans: 2014. 92 pgs.

Tokens of Trust: An Introduction to Christian Belief. 
Rowan Williams. Westminster Press: 2010. 159 pgs.

HTC Author!
Learning Theology through the Church’s Worship: An Introduction to Christian Belief.
Dennis Okholm. Baker: 2018. 256 pgs.

Into the Silent Land: The Practice of Contemplation.
Martin Laird.  Darton, Longman & Todd: 2006. 144 pgs.

Contemplative Vision: A Guide to Christian Art and Prayer,
Juliet Benner. IVP: 2010. 183 pgs.

The Soul of Desire: Discovering the Neuroscience of  Longing, Beauty and Community. 
Curt Thompson.
IVP: 2021. 248 pgs.

Where Prayer Becomes Real: How Honesty with God Transforms Your Soul. 
Kyle Strobel and John Coe Baker: 2021. 224 pgs.

Surrender to Love: Discovering the Heart of Christian Spirituality.
David Benner. IVP: 2015. 128 pgs.

Prayer in the Night: For Those Who Work Or Watch or Weep.
Tish Harrison Warren. IVP: 2021. 208 pgs.

Into the Heart of Romans: A Deep Dive Into Paul’s Greatest Letter.
N.T. Wright.
Zondervan: 2023. 256 pgs.

The Day the Revolution Began: Reconsidering The Meaning of Jesus’ Crucifixion.
N.T. Wright. HarperOne: 2018. 448 pgs.

The Way of the Heart: The Spirituality Of the Desert Fathers and Mothers.
Henri Nouwen. HarperOne: 1991. 96 pgs.

The Connected Life: The Art and Science of Relational Spirituality. 
Todd W. Hall. IVP: 2022. 224 pgs.

HTC Author!
An Unhurried Life: Following Jesus’ Rhythms of  Work and Rest.
Alan Fadling. IVP: 2013. 198 pgs.

Liturgy of the Ordinary.
Julie Canlis.
Godspeed Press: 2017. 82 pgs.

With: Reimagining the Way You Relate To God.
Skye Jethani. Thomas Nelson: 2011. 207 pgs.

Renovated: God, Dallas Willard, & the Church That Transforms.
Jim Wilder. NavPress: 2020. 240 pgs.

Sacramental Life: Spiritual Formation Through The Book of Common Prayer.
David DeSilva IVP: 2008. 288 pgs.

Finding Quiet: My Story of Overcoming Anxiety and the Practices that Brought Peace.
J.P. Moreland Zondervan: 2019. 224 pgs.

HTC Author!
Giving Church Another Chance: Finding New Meaning in Spiritual Practices.
Todd Hunter. IVP: 2010. 190 pgs.

HTC Author!
The Accidental Anglican: The Surprising Appeal of the Liturgical Church. 
Todd Hunter.
IVP: 2010. 138 pgs.

The Riches of Your Grace, Living in the Book of Common Prayer.
Julie Lane-Gay. IVP: 2024, 168 pgs.

Liturgical Mission: The Work of the People for the Life of the Word.
Winfield Bevins. IVP: 2022. 200 pgs.

Living the Christian Year: Time to Inhabit the Story of God.
Bobby Gross. IVP: 2009. 280 pgs.

Seeking God: The Way of St. Benedict. 
Esther de Waal.Liturgical Press: 2001. 168 pgs.

You Are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habit.
James K.A. Smith. Brazos: 2016. 224 pgs.

The Love That Is God: An Introduction to Christian Faith.
Frederick Christian Bauerschmnidt. Eerdmans: 2020. 147 pgs.

Ancient-Future Time: Forming Spirituality through the Christian Year.
Robert Webber.
Baker: 2004. 206 pgs.