The Person and Power Of the Holy Spirit: Empowering Followers of Jesus to Live for the Sake of Others

April Monthly Gathering
Friday, April 17 at 7:00 pm
The Hunter’s Home

Receiving and interacting with the Spirit is not intuitive for most of us. We wonder: Who is the Spirit? What does the Spirit do? How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit? How do I engage with the Spirit without being weird?

The Spirit can and does work as he pleases in any kind of person. He quietly companions us in every aspect of life, teaching us to do all that Jesus taught was best, working all things to good over the course of an entire life as he both transforms our character and gives us spiritual gifts to serve others.

Exploring this Eastertide theme will be the focus of our April Monthly gathering. Join Todd Hunter and Elizabeth Khorey as they facilitate our conversations over dessert.