The Book of Zephaniah
Readings: Zephaniah 1:2-7; 2:1-3 and Mark 6:45-56
Reflection Questions
- As you listen to the words of Zephaniah, pay attention to the sense of gravitas or awe evoked. Read Zeph.1-2 in its entirety. Take moments to be silent before the Lord God (1:7). What impact does the prophet’s message have on you? What are your observations? What invitations seem relevant to you?
- There seems to be a directive to seek the Lord even as the prophet sets out to explain that there will be consequences for those who do not seek the Lord (1:6; 2:3). What does the concept of “seek the Lord” mean to you? How do you see yourself engaging in the pursuit of God? In what ways might you want to practiceseeking God more intentionally? In the past, what have been the benefits of seeking God?
- Sit with a narrative about Jesus in Mark 6:45-56. Notice that Jesus went alone to a mountain to pray. In some sense this describes his rhythm of seeking his heavenly Father. This is one of many passages throughout the gospels that seem to suggest a significant correlation between Jesus’ retreat to solitude in order to pray and the works he did, demonstrating the power and presence of the kingdom of God. What are your thoughts as you read? How have you noticed regular rhythms of prayer with God correlating to your ordinary encounters with others in your daily life?