Eucharist: The Presence of Real Joy
When we receive Holy Communion, we experience something extraordinary – a joy, a fragrance, a well-being that thrills the whole body and causes it to exalt.
When we have been to Holy Communion, the balm of love envelops the soul as the flower envelops the bee.
St. Jean Vianney
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Readings: Psalm 80;1 Thessalonians 5:15-28; John 1:1-18
Reflection Questions: On Art, Scripture and Holy Communion
- Jesus invited his first friends to a festival meal the night before he was crucified. He shared his eagerness to share his last supper on earth with them (Lk. 22:15). When he broke bread and passed a cup of wine, blessing each in thanksgiving, he said “Take, eat, this is my body given for you…do this in remembrance of me” and “Drink of it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” (Lk. 22:19, Mt.26:27-28) In these moments, listen to the words of Jesus as you look at the art work. What do the elements of bread and cup mean to you? What do the hand gestures seem to say? What do you sense being offered to you?
- Commune with Jesus in the quietness of reflection and contemplation. Jesus instructed his followers to remember him. Remembrance is an intentional act of the mind, will and body (our bodies remember touch). Memory has the capacity to preserve us in the midst of disorienting circumstances; it re-captures previous life changing experiences to promote concreteness in our lives; and it assists us with the recollection of divine faithfulness grounding us in God’s real presence in us and in our lives. Remembrance cultivates gratitude which transfers our focus from what we lack to what God provides. What remembrances do you bring to this table moment with Jesus?
- What do you discern receiving from Jesus? How would you like to respond to him?