Henry Nouwen (The Way of the Heart) on solitude: In solitude we get rid of the scaffolding of our lives: no noise, no people, just vulnerable, weak me. Solitude is the furnace in which the transformation of our compulsive self occurs. Thus we seek solitude as an aspect of an overall plan to deal with the great struggle and the great encounter with God that is necessary for unconditional surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ—not drifting along, passively accepting societies’ views and values that form a dangerous web of domination manipulation—its social compulsions, creating in us false selves who seek affirmation through living by false values. From this conversion flows a quality of heart, and inner disposition, an authentic life and authentic ministry to others…
To peruse such a life…(adapted from Adele Calhoun; Spiritual Disciplines Handbook) I desire to find time alone with God to address my addictions to being seen, being connected and being active; I will steep my imagination in the scriptural themes of — go into your room and close the door…slip away…go off alone…send the crowds of your life away; find some seclusion…I will then schedule uninterrupted retreat from people and activities in a distraction-free environment, to rest…to be refreshed by letting all demands and outcomes flutter away from my racing mind; to invite God to work deeply on my hidden motivations and compulsions and thus re-focus on what is really most important—so that the world would not squeeze me into its mold but rather that I can offer my present life to God as a living sacrifice…