Reading: 1 Peter 2:19-25 and John 10:1-10
Reflection Questions:
- Begin by listening to the Good Shepherd’s voice from our Gospel reading in John 10:1-10. What encouragements do you hear? What assurances can you grasp and cling to? What care for your soul might you receive from Jesus today as you listen to the way he describes himself as your Shepherd and life-giver?
- Peter expands the metaphor of the Good Shepherd to Guardian of your souls (1 Peter 2:25). What does the picture of a guardian convey to you? How does it broaden your understanding of the kind of care Jesus invites his friends into? Considering your own past life experiences, how has Jesus’ guardianship of your soul been realized in your life? Were their times or circumstances you felt abandoned or unattended to? Take a few moments to talk honestly to God about these things.
- Now, consider your current circumstances or inner posture and attitude. What are you presently experiencing externally (with work, family, personal life) and internally (stress, anger, frustration, pressure, duress or a low grade worry)? What do you do when you sense yourself suffering? Who do you turn to for help in trials?
- How does Peter’s view of suffering help you process and think about your own sufferings (1 Peter 2:19-25)? Peter points to Jesus in order for us to gaze upon his stripes, his wounds, his suffering. Take a few moments in silence to focus your gaze upon Jesus. What do his wounds, his sufferings say to you? Ask him for help in your trials, comfort in your sorrows, or a change of perspective in your circumstances that you might bear up under the stresses of this life…even as Jesus bore his cross and endured his sufferings.