Reading: Genesis 25:19-34 and Matthew 4:1-11
- Reading the story of Esau as he sells his birthright to Jacob to satisfy an immediate craving offers us a moment to pause and reflect with God on our own quick fix solutions or desires for immediate gratification. As you listen in on the brothers’ exchange, put yourself in their shoes. What do you discover about their character weakness and desires to go after their primal cravings? What resonates with you? What challenges you?
- Where in your life are you tempted to take a short cut in your spiritual growth, comprise your character development, or devalue your true identity and birthright in God?
- Spend moments observing Jesus’ own temptations in life as you read Matt.4:1-11. What do you see? What do you hear? How does Jesus’ big picture perspective, strength of inner character, embrace of God’s intentions, and faithfulness to his own God-centered identity and birthright help you in your own present-moment life circumstances and temptations?
- Speak honestly with God as you process these stories and examine your own heart and life. Name your struggles, weaknesses, temptations to God. Ask the Holy Spirit to help. Maybe you need someone to come alongside to encourage you. If you desire prayer, to talk with someone, connect with a pastor or ministry leader at church. We are here to serve you and walk with you through life’s struggles.