Reading: Genesis 45:1-15 and Mark 10:35-45
1. As we are nearing the conclusion of Joseph’s story in Gen.45:1-15, read about his reunion and reconciliation with his brothers. How does his perspective of his life, his experiences, his place in God’s story impact you today? How does it help you with your own circumstantial experiences and history? Take a moment to look back over your life. Can you see God using harm for good? How does Rom.8:28 – God utilizing all things for his divine purposes – ring true for you in regard to your own history?
2. Retaliation, revenge, or even power to subjugate the ones who caused great pain in Joseph’s life doesn’t seem to be a viable option for him. How have you experienced the life-giving effects of genuine forgiveness in your life, either by offering it or receiving it from others? Are there hurtful or broken relationships in your life that need attention or a deeper work of God’s Spirit to bring healing reconciliation? Take some time now to open to God in these things. Pray for the grace, the vision, the understanding or even the desire to move into healing streams of reconciliation.
3. What does Jesus’ words to his disciples in Mark 10:35-45 contribute to your discoveries in the Genesis account? How might humility (in other words: truth about yourself, truth of God) be the operative virtue for relational tensions or circumstantial difficulties? What does humility to serve others look like in your life today? What might be necessary for you to do concretely in order to serve others, especially those who have wronged you or cause you trouble? Spend some more time conversing with God. Pray for creative and life-giving ways to serve others.