Monday: John 19:1-16a
Tuesday: John 19:16b-24
Wednesday: John 19:25-30
Thursday: John 19:31-37
Friday: John 19:38-42

1.    Pilate’s power is a received and temporal power. Jesus knows the opposite is true of God. How are we often formed by powers—politics, government, institutions, family, media—and then view the Lordship of Jesus through those lenses? Where is the tension in your life between the power of culture and the power of God?

2.    Jesus alone carries his cross, but dies in the company of two criminals. When he thirsts, his executioners give him some of their own cheap wine. The religious elite called Jesus “friend of sinners.” Have you considered where you stand in relation to those we call “sinners?” Do you stand far from them or side-by-side with them?