Some sources of power and light are too intense to directly observe or fully take in. For instance, some early mornings I get on an East-facing road to head to work. The sun coming up over a blue-sky horizon is blindingly intense. Even with the windshield visor pulled down, the light seems to find its way around it to my eyes, making driving an irritating chore.
This is a crude metaphor for the goodness and rightness of the hiddenness of God, who knows the full revelation of himself is sometimes not in his or our best interest. We tend to think that when God is hidden he is mad at us, disappointed in us or disapproving of something we are thinking, doing or saying. But what if in all God’s perfect wisdom and love, he knows that his hiddenness is good for us and right for his unfolding plan?
Another imperfect metaphor: God is like a stage director—content to be behind the curtain while the drama plays out on the stage. The actors can do their thing—even missing a cue now and then or misstating a line, but the director, God, remains fully in control of the outcome of he play.
This thought leads naturally, in my mind at least, to another important mental commitment: never let yourself linger on bad thoughts about God. You and I will of course be occasionally tempted in this direction, but always make your way back to belief as soon as you can, to confidecne that God knows and chooses the best path to his ends—in both cosmic and personal senses.
Stop the knee-jerk judging of yourself when God seems absent or hidden. Think of this in childlike ways, that followership of Jesus is meant to be a free-hearted and joyous collaboration of your life and his. This implies moments of closeness and moments when it is best for your spiritual eyes that they not be blinded by the full disclosure of God.
What do you need to do to learn to trust God in that way?