We gather in God’s presence to rest in his goodness, receive his grace, and reorient ourselves to his gospel mission.

All are welcome to worship with us on Sundays at 2:30pm at Watermark OC (3186 Pullman St, Costa Mesa, CA 92626).

Our services are also streamed live on YouTube and available after each service concludes.


Liturgy is for everyone
: It is for everyone who is spiritually hungry and seeking training in heartfelt obedience to God and his purpose for life. Responding to the grace of God, we worship by participating in ancient Christian practices of prayer and praise.

Liturgy is holistic and intergenerational: It engages all the senses (the whole person) and all generations (the whole people of God). Silence and song, scripture and sacrament, art and beauty are woven together in a united offering of praise and thanksgiving to God. We are gathered into the heavenly places with Christ, nourished by his Spirit, and sent into the world as his luminaries.

Liturgy is participatory: If you get off track, don’t worry. Just relax in the moment and make yourself peacefully present to the Holy Spirit. Allow yourself to be immersed in the community around you – in song, prayer, and God’s Word.


 In an over-burdened, over-scheduled, and over-indebted culture, we want to respond to Jesus’ invitation as the defining reality of our lives: “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

Reflect: In a world where it is increasingly easy to live as if God does not exist, we want to see all of life in relation to God.  Christ plays in ten thousand places.  Every moment is holy.

Redirect: In a society that values autonomy and living for self-gratification, we want to learn Jesus’ others-oriented way of being in the world.


In response to the fear, fragmentation, and fretfulness of our mission field – and of our own hearts – we focus on discovering and inhabiting the way of truth.  Our worship and discipleship are rooted in the thoughtful intelligence given to us in Scripture and Sacrament.

Quiet: Amidst the clamoring voices of endless news cycles and inner worries, solitude and silence are vital to our spiritual growth.  We become still, gather our scattered senses, and ask the Spirit to attune our hearts to the presence and voice of God.

Beauty: God is healing the world.  He is reconciling all things to himself and renewing the whole cosmos in his image.  Art and beauty assist us in paying attention to the glittering sacredness of life and help us experience the unfolding story of God.