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Stewards of Truth
Readings: 2 Corinthians 4:1-6 and Mark 12:13-17
Visual Reflection Questions
I am the truth…
Abide in Me…
Abide in my love…
Let my words abide in you…that you may bear much fruit.
The words of Jesus
- Discovering truth, turning from false conversations we have with ourselves or others, is the fruit of a life long journey with the One who is The Way, The Truth, and The Life. Practice noticing the kinds of things you tell yourself; the words you listen to in conversations with others. God delights in truth in the inner being (Ps.51:6). In what ways are you framing your life and conversations with others in truth?
- Jesus often utilized the agricultural metaphor of seed-time and harvest-time as a way to envision a way of stewarding truth in life generating ways. What creative practices of stewarding truth into a fruitful harvest of the soul might you imagine for yourself? What needs to be sown; tilled, or tended to in your life regarding truth?
- Looking at the photograph of the ripe, juicy pomegranate pregnant with fleshy seeds, how do you experience being the seed of truth surrounded by a culture that rejects or is suspicious of claims of religious “truth”?