Holy Trinity Church invests in local partnerships and cross-cultural agencies to advocate for the vulnerable and displaced in the world, bearing witness to God’s justice and mercy.
We welcome creative ideas as to how Holy Trinity Church may grow in outreach to our local and global community.
Holy Trinity Church seeks to be a consistent, compassionate, and practical presence to the staff and children at Sonora (Costa Mesa, CA). We have embodied that intention by providing scholarships for the ROCKS afterschool program, raising funds to renovate the teacher’s lounge, and restoring the school garden. Currently, we are engaging in school beautification projects (such as painting new murals), encouraging staff and faculty with cards and personal prayer, and caring for children with acute social and emotional needs.
Trellis is a local faith-based organization that equips and empowers the churches of Costa Mesa to come together to love the city into wholeness. In collaboration with civic and educational leadership, churches seek to alleviate homelessness, strengthen education, foster cultural integration, and pray for the fullness of God’s kingdom. Holy Trinity Church participates in these initiatives at various levels, while our prayer team intercedes on behalf of the communities they serve.
World relief is a global humanitarian organization that partners with local churches to bring hope, healing, and transformation to the most vulnerable. They focus on creating communities of love and welcome for our immigrant and refugee neighbors. In 2017, Holy Trinity Church partnered with World Relief to sponsor an Afghan family. Our “Good Neighbor Team” assisted with the family’s transition into a new culture, including the pursuit of employment, medical care, school enrollment for the children, transportation, a driver’s license and new car. In response to the Afghan refugee crisis of 2021, we are preparing to come alongside another family as they seek to resettle in the US. Supporting a family of four in crisis through their first 90 days of arrival will cost $10,000 to ensure they are given housing, medical care, trauma counseling, food and access to case management services as they move toward independence.
Holy Trinity Church donates to C4SO’s Multiethnic Church Development Fund, which was established in 2021 to cultivate diverse and unified communities that reflect the Gospel vision of Acts 13:1-3, Ephesians 2:11-22, and Revelation 7:9-10. C4SO uses the fund to invest in churches committed to multiethnic leadership, ministering in multicultural contexts, or serving a particular immigrant population within the US. Donations go to church planters and churches who do not have extensive financial networks, enabling them to fulfill the ministry to which God has called them.