Are You The One To Come? Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS | MoreThese quaint little birth stories that we review every year during Advent, do they actually have any power, any worth against today's forces of evil?

Splashy and Spectacular Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS | MorePeace is a lost art in our culture. We are called to live in a different space. One that's defined by peace.

Upcoming Events January

January 2014

The Divine Conspiracy – Men’s Reading Group Saturday, February 22, 2014 the men of Holy Trinity are invited to join Todd Hunter to a monthly reading group. The book we are reading together is Dallas Willard’s The Divine Conspiracy and we will be discussing one chapter each month. Upcoming Events [av_font_icon color=” icon=’182′ size=’20px’ use_link='{{use_link}}’ link=’’ linktarget=’no’ av_uid=’av-7jx2s1′] January Monthly …

Christmastide Readings: Sunday, January 5

Readings: Jeremiah 31:7-14 and John 1:1-13 Reflection Questions: A favored tradition at Christmas time is the decoration of homes with bright colored lights. I live in a neighborhood where Christmas lights are a big deal; even boats are ornately adorned with lights and the Newport Beach Harbor puts on a parade of lights with fireworks! …