Sunday, July 19th

The Book of Amos: “Defender of the Downtrodden” Readings: Amos 5:14-15, 18-24 and Mark 3:7-19 Reflection Questions (The chapters covered in this week’s reflections are Amos 3-5, consider reading them in their entirety.) After a series of prophetic “oracles” chapter 5 introduces a type of lamentation mingled with instruction and invitation into a right way of …

Sunday, July 12th

The Book of Amos: “Defender of the Downtrodden” Readings: Amos 1-2 (Sunday readings excerpted from chapters 1-2) and Mark 2:18-27 Reflection Questions The prophet Amos was not a “professional” prophet, he was a farmer, an ordinary man speaking on God’s behalf, commenting on the state of affairs of God’s people (Amos 7:14-15). Listen to the voice of …

Rend Our Hearts Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS | MoreDiscerning turmoil is dangerous stuff. There's a lot of harm that have come to people in trying to discern these things. Just read Job. Remember Job's friends?