Resurrection Sight

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Daily reading news of the world’s problems, few people would think that the resurrection, as the culmination of The Christ Event, signaled the in-breaking of God’s new world. Casual observers are easily forgiven for thinking that, “God, if there is one who is interested in this world, seems to lose most the time at rooting out evil and injustice, sickness, suffering and disease.”

Nevertheless, as followers of Jesus, we seek to live into this reality: Look! I am making everything new (Revelation 21.5). During The Season of Easter we will spend our Sundays learning, without denial, to follow Jesus in a world with seemingly intractable human problems. We will do by learning and committing to the biblical vision that God, in Christ, is making all things new.

The following poem by Katie Harmon-McLaughlin ( helps us “see” glimpses of God making all things new.

What does it mean today
To proclaim the Lord is risen?
What do we mean when we say
Christ is ALIVE?

I think it must have something to do
With the deepest hope within us
Coming to life
For the sake of others

Resurrection is
Not a one-time occurrence
But a way of life

The Living Christ question is:
What do you see?

Today, in the name of Jesus Christ
A relationship is forming
A warm meal is being shared
A welcome embrace is being offered
Today, in the name of Jesus Christ
A hungering child receives nourishment
Today, in the name of Jesus Christ
A weapon is laid down
The option of love overpowers the option of harm
Enemies become surprising friends
Today, in the name of Jesus Christ
Someone once cast aside finds inclusion
Someone who feels alone finds community
Today, in the name of Jesus Christ
Courage is born that leads to justice
A domination system is challenged
A way of peace emerges against the odds
Today, in the name of Jesus Christ
Someone once isolated by illness receives care
Someone grieving receives comfort
Today, in the name of Jesus Christ
A hardened heart is softening
A broken heart is healing
A person once hopeless finds reason to live
Today, in the name of Jesus Christ
Someone’s worth is affirmed
Someone is given a cure, a mosquito net, a home
Today, in the name of Jesus Christ
Someone is doing something radical and courageous for love
A prophetic vision is unfolding
The kingdom of God come near
Today, in the name of Jesus Christ
Someone has felt loved for the very first time

Today, in the name of Jesus Christ-
A reconciliation
A reconnecting
A rediscovering
A reinterpreting
A mind changed
A life transformed

Today, in the name of Jesus Christ
Good news to the poor
Oppressed set free
Captives released
Sight restored

The stone has been rolled away from our own eyes
And suddenly we cannot help but see all around us
Resurrection in action
New life happening even now

Today, in the name of Jesus Christ
YOU- you being called
You being loved
You being stirred to life deeper
To live the resurrection story again and again
To believe, still, in what is possible
For this earth and for each of us

May you SEE
May you BE
The Living Christ
In the world

Listen to Bishop Todd Hunter’s message were he read this poem. (opens new window)

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