​Sunday, January 31st

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Stewards of Truth

Readings: 2 Corinthians 4:1-6 and Mark 12:13-17

Visual Reflection Questions

I am the truth…
Abide in Me…
Abide in my love…
Let my words abide in you…that you may bear much fruit.
The words of Jesus

  1. Discovering truth, turning from false conversations we have with ourselves or others, is the fruit of a life long journey with the One who is The Way, The Truth, and The Life. Practice noticing the kinds of things you tell yourself; the words you listen to in conversations with others. God delights in truth in the inner being (Ps.51:6). In what ways are you framing your life and conversations with others in truth?
  2. Jesus often utilized the agricultural metaphor of seed-time and harvest-time as a way to envision a way of stewarding truth in life generating ways. What creative practices of stewarding truth into a fruitful harvest of the soul might you imagine for yourself? What needs to be sown; tilled, or tended to in your life regarding truth?
  3. Looking at the photograph of the ripe, juicy pomegranate pregnant with fleshy seeds, how do you experience being the seed of truth surrounded by a culture that rejects or is suspicious of claims of religious “truth”?